Well here we are again, teetering on the edge of the end of another year. Here’s a question for you; did you make any new years resolutions for 2013? Did you achieve them, were they a huge success and did they bring you joy?
Each year many of us set goals to achieve in the new year, a new year a new start right? The start of another 12 months of our lives does feel like the perfect time for a new start, a 2nd chance to try to better ourselves somehow. Most resolutions set are predictably around health, fitness and weight loss. “I will start that diet”, “I will join a gym”, “I will give up smoking”. Ever thought you are setting goals with the wrong motivation?
A 2007 study by the University of Bristol involving 3,000 people showed that 88% of those who set New Year resolutions fail, despite the fact that 52% of the study’s participants were confident of success at the beginning. Today, with the pressure from media which tells you how you should look and feel, how you should dress and measure up, that numbers is predicted to be over 90%.
That means a massive amounts of us are failing at our goals. How bloody depressing! It makes goals setting a huge stress and the mind boggles as to why people continue to set these ‘resolutions’ that they are destined not to achieve.
Resolutions are often set around things from the past, instead of focusing on the future. They are also usually set around things you’ve been trying to avoid, things you think you should do rather than things your really want.
Well, I offer you a different perspective…. it’s time to set your news years revolution!
Step up to the plate and look 2014 head on. What do you want to achieve for YOU in the next 12 months. Set a clear vision and intention around your dream. That dream needs to put a fire in your belly, a feeling of HELL YEAH I want this. It should make you feel excited, even slightly scared with a few butterflies thrown in for good measure. Your personal revolution needs to make you want to jump out of bed and take each day head on, turn you into an unstoppable force of determination and make other around you think ‘I want some of that!’. Your revolution is something you will live by everyday, folded into your life, a never ending continuous flow of achievement. I can feel you smiling already at this lovely thought 🙂
Don’t pick targets that set you up for failure, things you choose last year that you didn’t achieve. Ditch it, let go, move on, it’s not working. Don’t set huge goals with no small milestones along the way, pick something you can live by each day. We don’t mean don’t dream big, but looming targets are stressful, so make sure you set a plan in place that keeps you on track and let the positivity flow, never begrudge your dream! All those people around you that keep getting in the way, that leave you drained and washed out, that don’t inspire and encourage, move them outside of the circle where they influence your behaviour and mindset. Surround yourself with people that inspire, motivate and lead you to be brilliant. Settling for nothing less.
So, join us make 2014 your own, your year of personal revolution. Grab it by the horns, say THIS IS MY YEAR. Dream big my friends, it’s time to life each day for YOU and YOUR SUCCESS.